Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hi There!

Dear Readers,

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Ms. Pennyweather.

I've created The Catch All to be a virtual junk drawer of things that I love, things that inspire me, and things that make me laugh. It sounds gentle and lovely but I predict there will be a rant or two sprinkled in. Mom, if you find this I'm sorry about all the swears.

In this space you'll see nerdy shout outs to sci-fi, fantasy, and plain ol' regular pop culture. My tastes in things are all over the damn place. You're gonna see a lot of nonsense and probably some stuff about crafting because I love making stuff. Hopefully I can avoid Pinterest fails.

I hope you enjoy this blog and I hope I enjoy creating it (it's my first blog, EEK!)

I'll leave you now with this Tom Hiddleston gif. Happy reading!

-Ms. Pennyweather


  1. You stole my free available-to-anyone non proprietary blog format! You've got some nerve. You've got a lot of gall. You've got...

    Good taste!

    Also, I dance like that when I have to pee.

    1. I'm so sorry Smitty! Please forgive me for stealing you free available-to-anyone non proprietary blog format. But thanks for telling me I have good taste!

      I don't think anyone dances like that when they have to pee. It seems it would be highly ineffective.
